Saturday, December 8, 2007

Paintballing in Singapore!

Hi everyone, just a simple introduction of myself... I'm just a paintball freak who is very much into the sport. First started playing paintball years back at Batam with my dad and bro. We loved it so much but didn't get a chance to play again until much later. Got started on paintball again in 2006 and joined speedball competitions in Malaysia in 2007. I got hooked onto the sports because of all the adrenaline and physical and mental demands in the sports. It's challenging to want to do well in the competitions but really, it is something which can be palyed by anyone recreationally. I've seen grandpas and families in recreational speedball games and even in speedball competitions. It's really a great family sport as the different positions in the sports can be taken up by people of all ages and shapes... hehe... so either fit or fat, you can play! Just try speedball and you'll be hooked! It's a great get-together game for friends and families.

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